dicey1: Esmerelda, Hawkins
dicey1: Indicator larch before the pass
dicey1: Stuart from Ingalls Pass
dicey1: Not Hinkhouse
dicey1: Fortune in the back
dicey1: Ingalls South and North 2
dicey1: Ken
dicey1: Stuart leaning
dicey1: snowshoe time 2
dicey1: You came here to see us
dicey1: Fortune bowl through larch
dicey1: my track
dicey1: bright reward
dicey1: stuart again 2
dicey1: onward lake quest
dicey1: Ken follows sans snowshoes
dicey1: contrail
dicey1: Ingalls lake
dicey1: Ingalls peak above the lake
dicey1: Ripples
dicey1: Goodbye until Spring, Mr. Stuart