dicey1: setting up camp at noon on saturday
dicey1: Saturday views between rain and snow squalls
dicey1: more saturday views
dicey1: camp at 6500ft craig view
dicey1: 5 thirty am sunday, june second
dicey1: it's a go
dicey1: Bellingham Mountaineers team
dicey1: Shuksan behind
dicey1: color on the route
dicey1: our friends camped above
dicey1: Susan on route with some Mountaineers
dicey1: There are crevasses
dicey1: racing that lenticular
dicey1: me and the sisters range
dicey1: a village of tents up high
dicey1: pause
dicey1: staying left of seracs
dicey1: big as houses
dicey1: a large crevasse on route
dicey1: susan traversing above crevasse
dicey1: Me and the Black Buttes
dicey1: approaching the cloud and the crater rim
dicey1: summit shot near whiteout
dicey1: rimey on the descent
dicey1: that doesn't look good
dicey1: susan 1
dicey1: Susan harvesting Baker corn
dicey1: optimal skiing in sub optimal visibility
dicey1: last look back