dicey1: heading up to Sibley Pass
dicey1: sun cups and sun enroute to Sibley Pass
dicey1: Trapezoid
dicey1: Along the Triad high route
dicey1: Backbone ridge
dicey1: Hidden Lakes Peak
dicey1: Matt traversing enroute to the Triad
dicey1: Eric
dicey1: mysterious snow holes
dicey1: fangish
dicey1: vibrant mossiness
dicey1: Triads
dicey1: Ptarmigan traverse peaks
dicey1: spike
dicey1: Matt tries to puzzle together a route to the notch
dicey1: so close, yet so far
dicey1: running out of time
dicey1: snowking
dicey1: HLP and lakes
dicey1: snow chunky
dicey1: growing shadows
dicey1: pffft!!! :(
dicey1: interesting shadows
dicey1: me and eldorado, dorado needle, etc.
dicey1: eldorado
dicey1: evening light on backbone ridge
dicey1: matt ascends
dicey1: my shadow
dicey1: dusk