dicey1: getting started
dicey1: Heading up to Mazama Ridge
dicey1: contemplating setting up camp
dicey1: Chelle and Laurie in the Tavern
dicey1: Sunrise and the Tavern
dicey1: Crystal clear morning
dicey1: Morning and two taverns
dicey1: My tent
dicey1: Saturday morning
dicey1: morning shadows
dicey1: campsite on Mazama ridge
dicey1: picture perfect
dicey1: Chelle and me ready to go
dicey1: chicks on sticks
dicey1: untouched snow on Mazama Ridge
dicey1: track
dicey1: Laurel thinks it's summer
dicey1: Colleen
dicey1: snowy hump
dicey1: Castle and pinnacle sparkle
dicey1: On the way to Muir
dicey1: Colleen breaking trail
dicey1: momentary whiteout
dicey1: clear again
dicey1: Camp Muir
dicey1: skiing down from Muir
dicey1: Lenticular on Rainier
dicey1: Claire skiing down
dicey1: snowing and leaning trees
dicey1: more tracks down