dicey1: Trail head sign
dicey1: Looking back down Beauty Creek
dicey1: Arriving in the basin
dicey1: cloud
dicey1: almost to the ridge
dicey1: views not bad
dicey1: Franklin on the ridge
dicey1: Bill on the ridge
dicey1: cornices and clouds
dicey1: The hole that tried to eat Bill
dicey1: False and true summit ahead
dicey1: contemplating the crux
dicey1: Franklin and Bill starting up the false summit crux
dicey1: time for the rope
dicey1: Franklin gets it done
dicey1: marshmellow cornices
dicey1: Summit is lit up
dicey1: looking back down the ridge
dicey1: Robinson summit
dicey1: a little digging reveals the register
dicey1: downclimbing the crux
dicey1: a tricky downclimb
dicey1: moody clouds and sunlit peaks
dicey1: last look at crux and summit
dicey1: A nice long glissade
dicey1: where we gained the ridge
dicey1: snowshoe track abstract