That happens if you work part time in a toy shop...
The good things if you work part time in a toyshop :)
Lego Advent calendar - Day 1.
Lego Advent calendar - Day 2.
Lego advent calendar - Day 3.
Lego Advent calendar - Day 4.
Lego Advent calendar - Day 5.
Wanna play?!
Lego advent calendar - Day 6.
Little Oinky in good company
Lego Adventcalendar - Day 7.
Lego Advent calendar - Day 8.
Lego Advent calendar - Day 9.
New guys in town...
Lego Advent calendar - Day 10.
Lego Advent calendar - Day 11.
Lego Advent calendar - Day 12.
Lego Adventt calendar - Day 13.
Lego advent calendar - Day 14.
Sunday morning cozy in bed, playing with minifigs...
Lego Advent calendar - Day 15.
Lego Advent calendar - Day 16.
Lego Advent calendar - Day 17.
Lego Advent calendar - Day 18.
Lego Advent calendar - Day 19.
Lego Advent calendar - Day 20.
These guys really needed a bath...
Lego Advent calendar - Day 21.
Lego Advent calendar - Day 22.