Spring in sight?!
Waldorf season table
Waldorf season table
Shevie babies
Susie and the last rose
Just sweet Susie
Vintage Natterer boy
I had to free him!
... from my childhood
Vintage Kramer doll
Little Schildi
Vintage porcelain doll
Vintage porcelain doll
Little dollies
Design Börse with Susie
Design Börse with Susie
Design Börse with Susie
Design Börse with Susie
Design Börse with Susie
Design Börse with Susie
Design Börse with Susie
Toadstool no - dollystool
Toadstool no - dollystool
Lola and the Sindys :D
Recently a new/antique dolly moved in...
Schildkröt doll
Susie and bear
Susie and bear...
Puppenklinik Berlin
Puppenklinik Berlin