SHUTTR.: there he posed
SHUTTR.: reclining Budha
SHUTTR.: solid gold Budha
SHUTTR.: fragmented IV
SHUTTR.: fragmented III
SHUTTR.: fragmented II
SHUTTR.: fragmented I
SHUTTR.: the other side
SHUTTR.: golden chedi at Grand Palace
SHUTTR.: Wat Shaket
SHUTTR.: at Gold Mountain /Wat Shaket
SHUTTR.: stairway to heaven
SHUTTR.: 34 degree celcius, and these....
SHUTTR.: Fantalicious
SHUTTR.: DSCN5611Bangkok during sunrise
SHUTTR.: Chaopraya at dawn
SHUTTR.: Bangkok at night
SHUTTR.: Chaopraya at night
SHUTTR.: sunrise over Bangkok
SHUTTR.: Gabriel
SHUTTR.: Glassy eyes Gabriel
SHUTTR.: Hand to hand
SHUTTR.: Alley of light
SHUTTR.: Marry in Bangkok
SHUTTR.: Royal army
SHUTTR.: Nice yellow robe!
SHUTTR.: Wakakakakak
SHUTTR.: shady
SHUTTR.: Lining Budha
SHUTTR.: Mini elephant at Ayuthaya