sz.ineka's world:
Erdei ibolya (Viola reichenbachiana)...
sz.ineka's world:
A little wild-flower...
sz.ineka's world:
Beautiful flowers... *** EXPLORE ***
sz.ineka's world:
Purple crocus in the sunshine...
sz.ineka's world:
Purple dream...
sz.ineka's world:
Crocus pistil and stamens...
sz.ineka's world:
Pollen collector bee, in the sunshine...
sz.ineka's world:
Crocus and bee... here is spring
sz.ineka's world:
Bee and pollen... in the crocus.
sz.ineka's world:
Dried flower in the winter...
sz.ineka's world:
New life...
sz.ineka's world:
sz.ineka's world:
Kannavirág - (Canna E. Neubert)
sz.ineka's world:
"Nail"- flower - bud.
sz.ineka's world:
Dry flower... like a stars
sz.ineka's world:
Inachis io - "eyes"- butterfly
sz.ineka's world:
Butterfly on flower...
sz.ineka's world:
Pretty ladybug... in the crocus.
sz.ineka's world:
Ladybug... in the spring!
sz.ineka's world:
Green - "foliage"-grasshopper / Tettigonia viridissima
sz.ineka's world:
sz.ineka's world:
During a feast...
sz.ineka's world:
Repül a... repül a... :)) Zöldike (Carduelis chloris)
sz.ineka's world:
sz.ineka's world:
Beautiful birds... Tengelic (Carduelis carduelis) és Zöldike (Carduelis chloris).
sz.ineka's world:
sz.ineka's world:
sz.ineka's world:
sz.ineka's world:
Grey striped "tiger"...
sz.ineka's world:
Young cat is a bird-hunter on the apple tree... :)