Katy on the Tundra: 922 mb, Record Low Pressure
Katy on the Tundra: Record Low Atmospheric Pressure
Katy on the Tundra: High Pressure
Katy on the Tundra: -34°F (-37°C)
Katy on the Tundra: -46°F (-43°C)
Katy on the Tundra: Winter Solstice 2021
Katy on the Tundra: All-Time Record Snowfall To Date
Katy on the Tundra: Hurricane Force Storm Pummeling West Coast of Alaska
Katy on the Tundra: Hurrican Force Stom Pummeling Western Alaska
Katy on the Tundra: Solstice in Tok (screenshot)
Katy on the Tundra: Coldest Morning