Katy on the Tundra:
'The Girls'
Katy on the Tundra:
Male Flicker Hammering and Calling
Katy on the Tundra:
Two Day Old Tadpole
Katy on the Tundra:
Two-Day-Old Tadpoles
Katy on the Tundra:
Katy on the Tundra:
Femme Fatale
Katy on the Tundra:
Snowshoe Hare
Katy on the Tundra:
Itty Bitty Baby Hare
Katy on the Tundra:
Delphinium Destroyer
Katy on the Tundra:
Bonaparte's Gull
Katy on the Tundra:
Baby Face
Katy on the Tundra:
A Bit of Bread....
Katy on the Tundra:
Fledgling White-Winged Crossbill
Katy on the Tundra:
Early Morning Visitor
Katy on the Tundra:
Baby Northern Yellow-Shafted Flickers
Katy on the Tundra:
BAD Hare Day!
Katy on the Tundra:
Black Bear
Katy on the Tundra:
Wood Frog
Katy on the Tundra:
Canadian Tiger Swallowtail
Katy on the Tundra:
Fine as Frog Hair
Katy on the Tundra:
Luck Frog
Katy on the Tundra:
Canada Lynx
Katy on the Tundra:
Fierce Gaze...
Katy on the Tundra:
Baby Robin
Katy on the Tundra:
Mama and Baby
Katy on the Tundra:
Border Guard
Katy on the Tundra:
Itsy-Bitsy Spider
Katy on the Tundra:
White on White....
Katy on the Tundra:
Arctic Fritillary on Snow Potentilla
Katy on the Tundra:
Arctic Bumblebee on... Veronica?