Epiphany TT1530: IMG_0328
Epiphany TT1530: IMG_0555
Epiphany TT1530: IMG_0637
Epiphany TT1530: IMG_0641
Epiphany TT1530: Adorable lil old hippie guy with a point in the Ohio Valley
Epiphany TT1530: IMG_0756 (2)
Epiphany TT1530: OHIO <3's Hillary
Epiphany TT1530: OHIO is Clinton Country
Epiphany TT1530: Don't Settle 4 Change
Epiphany TT1530: A Horse Of A Different Color... PITTSBURGH
Epiphany TT1530: Madame President... Get used to It
Epiphany TT1530: Bill Clinton... A Statesman
Epiphany TT1530: Bill Up-Close
Epiphany TT1530: IMG_0449
Epiphany TT1530: IMG_0451
Epiphany TT1530: Random Jogger w/ A Point
Epiphany TT1530: Gotta Luv Hill
Epiphany TT1530: IMG_3263
Epiphany TT1530: IMG_3264
Epiphany TT1530: IMG_3266
Epiphany TT1530: Biden Brings CHANGE To OUE
Epiphany TT1530: VICTORY Barn
Epiphany TT1530: Youngstown Ohio LOVES HILLARY
Epiphany TT1530: Up-close Hillary
Epiphany TT1530: Hillary Among Her Loving People in Pittsburgh
Epiphany TT1530: Biden amidst signs of change