DaughterSharky Photography: Boatlife: On the frozen Grand Union Canal
DaughterSharky Photography: “If life deals you lemons, make lemonade; if it deals you tomatoes, make Bloody Marys”
DaughterSharky Photography: ORANGE.. BLACK..
DaughterSharky Photography: ORANGE.. WHITE..
DaughterSharky Photography: I ♥ Christmas..
DaughterSharky Photography: In my back garden!
DaughterSharky Photography: "Special Delivery"
DaughterSharky Photography: "Keep watching and I might do a trick next!"
DaughterSharky Photography: Making a break for it.....
DaughterSharky Photography: Can I have some more please?
DaughterSharky Photography: Strawbery Bubbles 0o0ooo000o0oo
DaughterSharky Photography: Inside a red Grape.