Nature's Great: DSC_0243 Clouded Sulphur Butterfly. jpg
Nature's Great: DSC_0249 Monarch Butterfly
Nature's Great: DSC_0215 Missouri Woodland Swallowtail Butterfly
Nature's Great: DSC_0214 Violet Tip Butterfly and Thorns
Nature's Great: DSC_0154 Buckeye Butterfly
Nature's Great: DSC_0157 Wood Nymph Butterfly
Nature's Great: Western Wood Nymph Butterfly - Male
Nature's Great: DSC_0059 Eastern Tailed Blue butterfly
Nature's Great: DSC_0047 Monarch Butterfly
Nature's Great: DSC_0088 Black and Yellow Longhorn Beetle
Nature's Great: DSC_0292 Female Twelve - Spotted Skimmer Dragonfly - Libellula pulchella
Nature's Great: DSC_0318 Male Widow Skimmer Dragonfly - Libellula luctuosa
Nature's Great: DSC_0066 Lone Star Tick - Amblyomma americanum
Nature's Great: DSC_0122 Wheel Bug Shedding
Nature's Great: DSC_0090 Green Stink Bug Adult
Nature's Great: DSC_0023 Leafhopper Nymph
Nature's Great: DSC_0069 Assassin Bug Yellow - Pselliopus barberi
Nature's Great: DSC_0020 Syrphid Fly
Nature's Great: DSC_0020 Spined Assasin Bug Nymph 2B
Nature's Great: DSC_0011 Milweed and Milkweed Bugs
Nature's Great: DSC_0019 Tree Hopper Instar
Nature's Great: DSC_0018 Horse Fly
Nature's Great: DSC_0003 Dimorphic Jumping Spider - Maevia inclemens
Nature's Great: DSC_0444 Praying Mantis
Nature's Great: DSC_0009 Tree Hopper Nymph
Nature's Great: DSC_0007 Ladybird Beetle
Nature's Great: DSC_0195 Male Eight-spotted Skimmer Dragonfly - Libellula forensis
Nature's Great: DSC_0165 Marbled Orb Weaver
Nature's Great: DSC_0162 Picture Winged Fly
Nature's Great: DSC_0137 Tiger Beetle