Art_Reid: Harris Tower-Harrisburg PA
Art_Reid: Switch Machine- Harris Tower
Art_Reid: Brunswick Display Caboose, Brunswick MD 8/26/15
Art_Reid: B&O marking detail- Brunswick Display Caboose, Brunswick MD 8-26-15
Art_Reid: The train station getting it's new coat of paint-Brunwick MD
Art_Reid: The train station getting it's new coat of paint- Brunswick MD
Art_Reid: The New Caboose sits at Railroad Square Park waiting for installation. Brunswick MD
Art_Reid: The New Caboose sits at Railroad Square Park waiting for installation. Brunswick MD
Art_Reid: The New Caboose sits at Railroad Square Park waiting for installation. Brunswick MD
Art_Reid: Moving the Brunswick Display Caboose onto it's final location, Brunswick MD 9/11/15
Art_Reid: Moving the Brunswick Display Caboose onto it's final location, Brunswick MD 9/11/15
Art_Reid: Moving the Brunswick Display Caboose onto it's final location, Brunswick MD 9/11/15
Art_Reid: DSCN4345
Art_Reid: Side Boom Dozer on Truck
Art_Reid: Skunked at Harpers Ferry
Art_Reid: Harpers Ferry West Bound Platform
Art_Reid: Oakland Railroad Station
Art_Reid: Oakland Railroad Station- Front View
Art_Reid: Sign Detail- Oakland Railroad Station
Art_Reid: Detail- Oakland Railroad Station
Art_Reid: Oakland Railroad Station-Rear
Art_Reid: Passenger Shelter
Art_Reid: Station Christmas
Art_Reid: Brunswick History Museum layout
Art_Reid: Brunswick History Museum Layout
Art_Reid: Crossing Activated- South Maple Ave-Night
Art_Reid: South Maple Ave- Night
Art_Reid: Post Storm Haze
Art_Reid: Bird Tracks
Art_Reid: Something looks a little off...