Art_Reid: Checking out the new building-
Art_Reid: Dawn checking out the new Inn
Art_Reid: Didn't see any sign saying we couldn't take a power nap in the display rooms...
Art_Reid: Stuart Scarbrough speaking with visitors inside the new Inn.
Art_Reid: The Silo Chapel
Art_Reid: Looking up the Silo Chapel
Art_Reid: DJ and Dawn in the Silo Chapel
Art_Reid: Dawn soaking in the fall sunshine
Art_Reid: View from the rear of Claggett Center
Art_Reid: Opening of the Blessing Service
Art_Reid: Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton begins the Blessing service.
Art_Reid: Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton's Sermon
Art_Reid: Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton's Sermon
Art_Reid: DJ waiting to smoke up the procession...
Art_Reid: Start of the Procession to the blessing
Art_Reid: The Procession to the Blessing
Art_Reid: Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton and Bishop Heather Elizabeth Cook on the Procession to the Blessing.
Art_Reid: The Procession to the Blessing
Art_Reid: The Procession to the Blessing
Art_Reid: Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton Blessing the Chrisitine Inn
Art_Reid: Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton Blessing the Chrisitine Inn
Art_Reid: DJ keeping things smelling nice
Art_Reid: Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton Blessing the Chrisitine Inn
Art_Reid: Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton Blessing the Chrisitine Inn
Art_Reid: Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton Blessing the Chrisitine Inn
Art_Reid: Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton and DJ
Art_Reid: Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton and DJ
Art_Reid: DJ: Thurifer Shadow
Art_Reid: DJ: Thurifer Shadow 2
Art_Reid: DJ: Thurifer Shadow 4