Art_Reid: NS 2502
Art_Reid: Waiting for a train....
Art_Reid: NS 5058
Art_Reid: NS 5058
Art_Reid: NS 8788
Art_Reid: 84 Sunset
Art_Reid: Stranger in a Strange Land- Gleaming Rails
Art_Reid: NS Sunset II
Art_Reid: NS Sunset
Art_Reid: NS Humvee train parked at Brunswick
Art_Reid: Norfolk Southern 8788- Stranger in a Strange Land
Art_Reid: Norfolk Southern 8790 at the Siding in Shen
Art_Reid: 37Q crossing the Potomac
Art_Reid: HLCX 6524-Crossing the Potomac (Detail)
Art_Reid: 37Q over the C&O Canal
Art_Reid: DSCN9475
Art_Reid: HLCX 6524 Close Up
Art_Reid: NS 9646 Close Up
Art_Reid: NS 9646 heading North
Art_Reid: NS 6731 Southbound
Art_Reid: H 22 Pushers
Art_Reid: NS 5424 -Flat Blue
Art_Reid: NS 5424 H Line
Art_Reid: NS 5424 Leads 37Q
Art_Reid: Conrail Going Away H-22
Art_Reid: NS 9811-Still in Maryland
Art_Reid: NS 9811 leading 203
Art_Reid: NS 9811 Entering Shepherdstown
Art_Reid: NS 203 Railroad Crossing
Art_Reid: NS 2768 Passing Morgan's Grove Park