galleryleshirl: My first sundance*********
galleryleshirl: My First Sundance. 4.3.2009 003
galleryleshirl: Smile:):):)
galleryleshirl: Ship's gone.
galleryleshirl: Wavelength...
galleryleshirl: rough,smooth,fluffy and bright light!!
galleryleshirl: On cloud nine.
galleryleshirl: Morning of the Earth!!!
galleryleshirl: Waiting for warmer water!!
galleryleshirl: "cover the cleavage bouquet"
galleryleshirl: "Boom-Crash_Splash".
galleryleshirl: Seamist rollin' in.
galleryleshirl: Rollin' Waves.
galleryleshirl: Oh no! we have a gusher!
galleryleshirl: We can still see you!!
galleryleshirl: Still Looking????
galleryleshirl: All alone.
galleryleshirl: hummm???
galleryleshirl: Graceful Feet.
galleryleshirl: Where are you from?
galleryleshirl: Wading in ankle deep.
galleryleshirl: "no mum! I've had my breakfast already!"