pedalstrike: a visit to if 2
pedalstrike: a visit to if 4
pedalstrike: justin
pedalstrike: rapha/if bike
pedalstrike: rapha/if bike
pedalstrike: rapha/if bike
pedalstrike: photo studio
pedalstrike: love the mannequin
pedalstrike: machinez
pedalstrike: more if bikes...
pedalstrike: andy + joe
pedalstrike: brett + clint + andy
pedalstrike: brett + clint
pedalstrike: IF bike!
pedalstrike: a visit to if 3
pedalstrike: lunch with if
pedalstrike: justin's lunch
pedalstrike: nyc velo + if
pedalstrike: a visit to if 5
pedalstrike: from the back...
pedalstrike: tarck biek!
pedalstrike: faux affrogato
pedalstrike: m1 + my sunglasses
pedalstrike: espresso + ice cream
pedalstrike: post-if coffee at herrell's
pedalstrike: brett's sundae. yum.
pedalstrike: a visit to if 6