pat-trick: Canada Goose (gander)
pat-trick: Eared Grebe
pat-trick: Red-necked Grebe
pat-trick: Mated for Life
pat-trick: Cinnamon Teal
pat-trick: Cinnamon Teal Pair
pat-trick: Harlequin Drake
pat-trick: Bonded Pair (Harlequin's)
pat-trick: Harlequin Ducks
pat-trick: Nisqually Shovelers
pat-trick: Northern Shoveler Pair
pat-trick: At the Waters Edge
pat-trick: Preparing to Land
pat-trick: Snow Goose
pat-trick: Snow Geese
pat-trick: Skagit Valley Snow Geese
pat-trick: Blue-winged Teal
pat-trick: Eared Grebe
pat-trick: Sandhill Cranes - Sweet Grass County MT
pat-trick: Cinnamon Teal in Waiting
pat-trick: Liza and Goose
pat-trick: Cootlings ?
pat-trick: Tundra Swans
pat-trick: A Fall Gathering
pat-trick: Lift Off
pat-trick: Old House Sunset With Geese