pat-trick: Coca Cola
pat-trick: Summer Storm
pat-trick: Abandoned in Manfred
pat-trick: Great Horned Owl with Mink
pat-trick: All is Calm
pat-trick: Chickadee, Winter visitor
pat-trick: Short-eared Owl
pat-trick: Common Redpoll
pat-trick: December Evening, cold steel
pat-trick: December Evening, frost
pat-trick: December Evening, old house
pat-trick: December Evening, nobody home
pat-trick: December Evening, it's cold outside
pat-trick: ND 42
pat-trick: Dodge Brothers
pat-trick: A Little Fall Color
pat-trick: Sunflowers
pat-trick: Canada Warbler
pat-trick: End of the Line
pat-trick: Good Morning From North Dakota!
pat-trick: The Front Yard
pat-trick: The Gate
pat-trick: Lost in a Sea of Weeds
pat-trick: Castles in the Air
pat-trick: Dragonfly Twelve-spotted Skimmer
pat-trick: Framed by the Cottonwoods
pat-trick: Spring Monarch
pat-trick: Chipping Sparrow
pat-trick: Avocet Female
pat-trick: Quiet Evening