Lotterhand: Hatch!
Lotterhand: Wide Screen Entertainment
Lotterhand: Hatching Common Snapping Turtle
Lotterhand: Hatchling Eastern Painteds
Lotterhand: Eastern Painted Turtles Hatching
Lotterhand: Huge Male American Bullfrog
Lotterhand: Female American Bullfrog
Lotterhand: Subadult Snapping Turtle
Lotterhand: Developing Snapping Turtle Embryo
Lotterhand: Young Snapping Turtle
Lotterhand: Frog eye's view
Lotterhand: Red-spotted Newts
Lotterhand: Young Northern Water Snake
Lotterhand: Mating Gray Tree Frogs
Lotterhand: Female Eastern Box Turtle
Lotterhand: Wood Frog Egg Sacs
Lotterhand: Hello!
Lotterhand: Halloween Brown Snake
Lotterhand: Male Blanding's Turtle
Lotterhand: Female Wood Turtle
Lotterhand: Female Eastern Box Turtle
Lotterhand: Eastern Hognose Snake
Lotterhand: Bryce and Black Rat Snake
Lotterhand: Racer watching Eve and Bryce.....
Lotterhand: Motley Collection
Lotterhand: Even in black and white....