RID craft: So freshhhhhhhhhhh
RID craft: Soft memories and pink cowl already finished. My first cream-parfume bottle: Small World by Avon Cosmetics. Long, long time ago...
RID craft: Bday cake
RID craft: Geometric shapes
RID craft: Calm into noisy Barcelona
RID craft: Clouds
RID craft: Look inside
RID craft: Shoes on the Danube Bank
RID craft: When night adds beauty ...
RID craft: Lots of stories to tell 💛
RID craft: Crossing ways
RID craft: Street life
RID craft: Go out and explore...
RID craft: Decayed beauty
RID craft: Nostalgic mood today...
RID craft: "Let's build bridges, not walls" Martin Luther King
RID craft: "One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things" Henry Miller
RID craft: Labyrinthine
RID craft: Spring is around
RID craft: "Més enllà de temors i recances s'obren sempre blaus horitzons " M. Martí i Pol
RID craft: Falling into routine
RID craft: Calm after the storm.
RID craft: There are darkness and light in life, friendship is our light.
RID craft: Looking for more spiral staircases...
RID craft: Culture set us free
RID craft: Lemon cake
RID craft: The embroiderer behind the window.
RID craft: Soil in my hands as a therapy.