Nancy's ~: Lonicera ciliosa (Orange honeysuckle)
Nancy's ~: Ferguson family members
Nancy's ~: Kara and Mattie
Nancy's ~: Cornus nuttallii (Pacific dogwood)
Nancy's ~: Xerophyllum tenax (common beargrass)
Nancy's ~: Grand Fir Mosaic view from atop Lookout Butte - Gospel and Buffalo Hump peaks
Nancy's ~: Xerophyllum tenax (common beargrass) emerging - Lookout Butte
Nancy's ~: Xerophyllum tenax (common beargrass) - Lookout Butte
Nancy's ~: Lookout Butte tower
Nancy's ~: Cephalanthera austinae (phantom orchid)
Nancy's ~: Veratrum californicum (false or wild hellebore or corn lily)
Nancy's ~: 2016 INPS Annual Meeting - Fish Creek Meadow
Nancy's ~: Epipactus gigantea
Nancy's ~: Gospel Hump view from Lookout Butte
Nancy's ~: Dennis explaining rhyzomotous roots of bracken
Nancy's ~: Xerophyllum tenax (Common beargrass)
Nancy's ~: Clematis columbiana
Nancy's ~: Group hiking short ways into Grand Fir forest habitat
Nancy's ~: Mertensia longiflora, bluebells
Nancy's ~: Mike showing the bloom of Asarum caudatum (wild ginger)
Nancy's ~: Cephalanthera austinae (phantom orchid)
Nancy's ~: penstemon wilcoxii
Nancy's ~: Cornus nuttallii (Pacific dogwood)
Nancy's ~: Adianthum pedatum (Western maidenhair fern)
Nancy's ~: Iliamna rivularis (Streambank wild hollyhock)
Nancy's ~: Iliamna rivularis
Nancy's ~: Mike Hays, James Riser
Nancy's ~: Delphinium depauperatum (Slim delphinium)
Nancy's ~: Cow Creek Saddle view
Nancy's ~: Lewisia columbiana (Columbian lewisia)