Nancy's ~: Tollgate meadow Platanthera saccata
Nancy's ~: Checker mallow
Nancy's ~: Ranunculus orthorhynchus - Swamp buttercup
Nancy's ~: American bistort (Polygonum bistortoides) leaves and stem
Nancy's ~: American bistort (Polygonum bistortoides)
Nancy's ~: Penstemon globosus in Tollgate meadow
Nancy's ~: Penstemon globosus
Nancy's ~: Veratrum californicum - California corn lily
Nancy's ~: Dodecatheon jeffreyi
Nancy's ~: Platanthera dilitata
Nancy's ~: Platanthera dilitata
Nancy's ~: Carex pachystachya (Chamisso sedge)
Nancy's ~: Carex luzulina (woodrush sedge)
Nancy's ~: Elephant's head lousewort just ready to open
Nancy's ~: Mimulus moschatus
Nancy's ~: Platanthera saccata
Nancy's ~: Sonja Lewis, Bill Bridges, Val Hancock, Mike Hays, Marilyn George
Nancy's ~: Penstemon globosus
Nancy's ~: Penstemon globosus
Nancy's ~: Trifolium eriocephalum (Purple clover, wooly head clover)
Nancy's ~: Senecio integerrimus var. exaltatus ¬– western groundsel
Nancy's ~: Camassia quamash – camas
Nancy's ~: Floerkea prosepinacoides (false mermaid-weed)
Nancy's ~: need id
Nancy's ~: Carex praticola (meadow sedge)
Nancy's ~: Camassonia subacaulis – diffuseflower evening primrose
Nancy's ~: Dodecatheon pulchellum – few-flowered shooting star
Nancy's ~: Orthocarpus hispidus (Castilleja tenuis) – hairy Indian paintbrush?
Nancy's ~: Arenaria serpyllifolia (Thyme-leaf sandwort)
Nancy's ~: Danthonia unispicata – onespike danthonia; Allium fibrillum – Cuddy Mountain onion