Nancy's ~:
Penstemon albertinus (Alberta penstemon), Canyon Creek, 04-28-2016. could be hybrid with P. wilcoxii
Nancy's ~:
Lithophragma parviflora in front of some Cardamine oligosperma, Canyon Creek, 04-28-2016
Nancy's ~:
Dodecatheon pulchellum or D. cusickii (Few-flowered shooting star), Canyon Creek, 04-28-2016
Nancy's ~:
Dodecatheon pulchellum or D. cusickii (Few-flowered shooting star), Canyon Creek, 04-28-2016
Nancy's ~:
Dodecatheon pulchellum or D. cusickii (Few-flowered shooting star), all stages, Canyon Creek, 04-28-2016
Nancy's ~:
Dodecatheon pulchellum or D. cusickii (Few-flowered shooting star), Canyon Creek, 04-28-2016
Nancy's ~:
Mitella stauropetala, Maidenhair fern stalks, Trillium ovatum, Cystopteris fragilis, Canyon Creek, 04-28-2016