Nancy's ~: Joy, Freddie, Emily, Myrna
Nancy's ~: Joy, Freddie, Emily, Myrna
Nancy's ~: Joy, Freddie, Emily, Myrna
Nancy's ~: Wesley Ben Jr and Henry M
Nancy's ~: Reid and Sharon's daughter
Nancy's ~: Sharon's family
Nancy's ~: Sharon's family
Nancy's ~: Jenna Lou, Etheline, Sharon's daugher
Nancy's ~: Jenna Lou, Ethelene,
Nancy's ~: Sharon and John
Nancy's ~: Larry C, Kyle C, Cordell, Emily, Kenneth C, Kathy G, Doris B
Nancy's ~: Kent, Corey, Dana, Megan, Lois, Freddie, Joy
Nancy's ~: Minnie, Norma, Jim B Jr
Nancy's ~: Norma, Minnie, Jim B Jr
Nancy's ~: Ray C and Hendra
Nancy's ~: Ray and Hendra
Nancy's ~: Nelda's husband, John (Sharon's husband)
Nancy's ~: Francie Jim B
Nancy's ~: Hendra and Kathy
Nancy's ~: Kent, Corey, Dana, Megan, Lois - salad choices
Nancy's ~: Salads at the reunion
Nancy's ~: Mryna, Ethelene, Nelda
Nancy's ~: Myrna, Ethelene, Nelda
Nancy's ~: Reid and Ray
Nancy's ~: Freddie C
Nancy's ~: Freddie basting the pork
Nancy's ~: Joy and Freddie
Nancy's ~: Wesley Ben Jr.
Nancy's ~: Wesley Ben Jr
Nancy's ~: Donald and Wesley