Nancy's ~: More discussion of the Harvester Ant and Peppergrass
Nancy's ~: three-awned grass
Nancy's ~: Artemisia at Hartley Rd
Nancy's ~: Rosette of Lepidium papilliferum (Slickspot Peppergrass)
Nancy's ~: Rosette of Lepidium papilliferum (Slickspot Peppergrass)
Nancy's ~: Harvester Anthill
Nancy's ~: Rosette form of Lepidium papilliferum (Slickspot Peppergrass)
Nancy's ~: Harvester ant hill
Nancy's ~: Peppergrass site - Hartley Rd
Nancy's ~: Peppergrass site - Hartley Rd
Nancy's ~: Peppergrass site - Hartley Rd
Nancy's ~: Listening to discussion of slickspots and peppergrass Hartley Rd
Nancy's ~: Slickspot and Lepidium papilliferum (Slickspot Peppergrass)
Nancy's ~: Looking for slickspots and peppergrass Hartley Rd
Nancy's ~: Looking for slickspots and peppergrass Hartley Rd
Nancy's ~: Described interaction of harvester ants with the peppergrass
Nancy's ~: Explaining the research he did on the peppergrass.- described interaction of harvester ants with the peppergrass
Nancy's ~: Explaining the research he did on the peppergrass.
Nancy's ~: Explaining the research he did on the peppergrass.
Nancy's ~: Lepidium papilliferum (Slickspot Peppergrass)
Nancy's ~: Lepidium papilliferum, Hartley Rd, Boise Foothills
Nancy's ~: Native grass, Hartley Rd (three-awn)
Nancy's ~: Croton setigerous (Turkey mullein)
Nancy's ~: Juanita Lichthardt
Nancy's ~: Peppergrass site - Hartley Rd