Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Inside San Francisco sunset from Athens Avalon Green Space Stairs 20160215-174522 C4e
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Second image concept of deYoung Staircase shot by Melody Doss-Wambeke 20150424-101034 C4 mcd
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Ella sculpture by Steve Bartlett 1993 - Neiman Marcus Collection outside Neiman Marcus store in Stanford Shopping Center Palo Alto California 20150410-162937 C4
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Ginger McElrath Happy Face Acrylic Abstract Painting No 884 Weiser Idaho 140630-170026 C4
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Ginger McElrath Acrylic Abstract Painting No 873 Weiser Idaho 20140630-170758 C4
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Mount Tamalpais in Marin from Legion of Honor near Lands End San Francisco 131227-141839 C4e
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Mount Tamalpais in Marin Country viewed from Hunter Hill Rest Area South I-80 near Vallejo California 20140308-163959 C4
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Leaf Abstract Conservatory of Flowers 20110420-181752 C4B
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Inside a broken bottle - Thunder Mountain Monument Nevada 20100314-121405 C4V
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Sidewalk Water Sculpture 110706-164317 C4
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Looking down at shore from pier at Horseshoe Bay Fort Baker in Marin County 160515-133915 C4
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Chair and Lattice lines 20160704-170024 C4V
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Heaven's Gate Trail Log face in Idaho Mountains 20120821-152906 C4
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Alternanthera ficoidea Conservatory of Flowers in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park 20160417-160209 C4
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Persimmon Fruit Macro 20101210-090433 C4B
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Fish in Pumpkinland lake 20160920-140750 C4e
Charlie Wambeke Photography:
Apple blossoms alongside driveway Millbrae California 20190317-134913190421-181413 cw50 C4