Charlie Wambeke Photography: POW-MIA weathered banner with Mt Shasta volcano in background 2011 visit to LMSG - Living Memorial Sculptured Garden north of the town of Weed in northern California 20111015-083211 C4e
Charlie Wambeke Photography: Hot LZ and all Veterans Memorial Wall LMSG - Living Memorial Sculpture Garden Weed northern California 20120528-163120 C4B
Charlie Wambeke Photography: LMSG 2012 entrance A Place to Remember and Heal early in development of site 20120528-165012 C4
Charlie Wambeke Photography: Closeup of LMSG entrance plaque A Place to Remember and Heal early in development of veteran's site 20120528-164955 C4
Charlie Wambeke Photography: The Peaceful Warrior Living Memorial Sculpture Garden Weed California 20120528-164624 C4
Charlie Wambeke Photography: Charlie Melody Fran Living Memorial Sculpture Garden Why Group background 20130623-133653 C4B
Charlie Wambeke Photography: The Peaceful Warrior Living Memorial Sculpture Garden Weed CA 20130623-125750
Charlie Wambeke Photography: Poison Oak up close 20111015-090957