Charlie Wambeke Photography: Bubbles cat resting on fence and looking at camera 20220619-101734B
Charlie Wambeke Photography: Bubbles cat extreme closeup 20220619-101715B
Charlie Wambeke Photography: Cat looking my way through hog wire about 30 feet away 20221026-101854
Charlie Wambeke Photography: Bubbles cat on top of backyard fence 20220607-184355V
Charlie Wambeke Photography: Furry black and white cat lounging 20230405-144504
Charlie Wambeke Photography: Woman pushing cat in Pet Gear Stroller in John McLaren Park 20240129-154657VB
Charlie Wambeke Photography: Orange and white cat in window during our walk through our San Franciscoo neighborhood 20240216-151838
Charlie Wambeke Photography: Ginger's cat on kitchen floor Weiser Idaho 20080611-184127V