~TD Images~: Salmon Grizzly race
~TD Images~: Splash
~TD Images~: Brother tussle
~TD Images~: Brother tussle 2
~TD Images~: Lets do lunch!
~TD Images~: Relief
~TD Images~: Head on
~TD Images~: Struttin the field
~TD Images~: Yawning after a nap
~TD Images~: Young on road
~TD Images~: Fatty in blue berries
~TD Images~: IMG_0703
~TD Images~: IMG_0819
~TD Images~: IMG_0826
~TD Images~: IMG_0847
~TD Images~: IMG_0865
~TD Images~: IMG_0886
~TD Images~: Tofino Seals at home in the pouring rain!
~TD Images~: Tofino Seals before breakfast in the early rain!
~TD Images~: 5322 Cub.jpg
~TD Images~: 5357 Griz Cub.jpg
~TD Images~: 5540 Gone fishin'.jpg