Helaine37: Satisfied
Helaine37: Sweetie....
Helaine37: Twins
Helaine37: Awake
Helaine37: Softness
Helaine37: Expecting
Helaine37: A grand adventure is about to begin. -- Winnie the Pooh
Helaine37: A great joy is coming.
Helaine37: Expecting.......
Helaine37: Happy couple
Helaine37: Lovely moment....
Helaine37: Baby boy.....
Helaine37: A time to cry
Helaine37: "Sometimes", said Pooh, "the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."
Helaine37: Happiness
Helaine37: Say hello....
Helaine37: Friends
Helaine37: Sweet friends zone
Helaine37: Seeing the Lighter Side of Life
Helaine37: “A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.”
Helaine37: Giggles
Helaine37: Little angel
Helaine37: Spring
Helaine37: New born
Helaine37: Looking down
Helaine37: sunlight portrait and bokeh
Helaine37: Summer hat
Helaine37: Up in the air