pondhopper1: 60062 MINORU near Wood Green with the 1257 Peterborough to Kings Cross 16 June 1962.
pondhopper1: 60006 SIR RALPH WEDGWOOD passing Wood Green with a down Leeds relief 16 June 1962
pondhopper1: 60008 DWIGHT D EISENHOWER Wood Green up Troop Train 16 June 1962
pondhopper1: 60015 QUICK SILVER Wood Green 1520 Kings Cross to Leeds 16 June 1962
pondhopper1: 60019 BITTERN 1505 freight Kings Cross to Edinburgh - Wood Green 16 June 1962
pondhopper1: 60109 HERMIT Wood Green 1345 Kings Cross to Peterborough 16 June 1962
pondhopper1: 60122 CURLEW near Wood Green 1318 Kings Cross to Leeds 16 June 1962
pondhopper1: 60862 near Wood Green with the 0100 Inverkeithing to Kings Cross 16 June 1962
pondhopper1: 60132 MARMION near Wood green with the 0941 Newcastle to Kings Cross 16 June 1962
pondhopper1: 92038 near Wood Green with an up Freight 16 June 1962
pondhopper1: D9007 PINZA passing Wood Green with 1pm Kings Cross to Edinburgh 16 June 1962
pondhopper1: D9019 near Wood Green with the up Yorkshire Pullman 16 June 1962
pondhopper1: D347 near Wood Green with the 1500 Kings Cross to Leeds - 16th June 1962
pondhopper1: LMS 44997 at Blair Atholl June 16th 1962