kouichi_zen: 構成=Composition-279/Vitality crawling up the wall
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-277/At the boundary between real and imaginary grids
kouichi_zen: 構成=Composition-278/Window with spider web and string
kouichi_zen: 構成=Composition-277/In the sky where birds and clouds mix
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-276/1 ripple and 1 bird at dusk
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-275/Direction of aquatic plants mixed with waves
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-274/water surface with fast and slow waves
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-273/life and death before the flow
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-272/2 shadows falling on the clear stream
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-271/Ripples of stones and waves of water
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-270/Abstract water ripples on natural stones
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-269/Falling on stones and rising from water
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-268/Quiet light on water surface and stone wall
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-267/Abstract water surface and figurative bottom
kouichi_zen: 構成=Composition-276/Intertwined Nature and Still Geometry
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-266/Two flying in the black waves
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-265/Single leaf floating on abstract black waves
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-264/At the place where the waves were born
kouichi_zen: 構成=Composition-275/Spiritual Transformation of Trees
kouichi_zen: 構成=Composition-274/Complex surfaces and intricate interiors
kouichi_zen: 構成=Composition-273/Old Sacred Tree and New Bamboo
kouichi_zen: 構成=Composition-272/Natural encroachment on geometric grids
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-263/Time accumulated between algae and stones
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-262/Yellow particles crossing the stone stripes
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-261/Dead leaves sleeping on the bottom of the water
kouichi_zen: 構成=Composition-271/Between the geometric mirror surface and the water surface
kouichi_zen: 構成=Composition-270/Destroyed geometry and life-filled nature
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-260/Coexistence of life and death on water
kouichi_zen: 構成=Composition-269/Gradually swaying shades of green folds
kouichi_zen: 水様=Appearance of water-259/Geometry melting into trees