wolf e twain:
finding Mini Half Dome
wolf e twain:
Marvin makes a friend
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Marvin on firewatch
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Cortha camp placement
wolf e twain:
Tanc and Gerolt open Mini Half Dome
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Mini Half Dome cache deep in a stump
wolf e twain:
persistance pays off at Arachnids Rock
wolf e twain:
traveler dropped at Arachnids Rock
wolf e twain:
Tanc and Geralt dig up Arachnids Rock
wolf e twain:
Fia and Tanc log visit at Camp Road Jenks 1
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Marvin prepares for hibernation
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Marvin poses at Camp Road Jenks 1
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Tanc reads the Cache Box
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Fia Geocaching
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Marvin at DeBenneville Pines
wolf e twain:
Marvin listens to Harp Music