neibitloef: 'Model' Mayfly...
neibitloef: 'Model' Fly ( May 2010)
neibitloef: 'Model' Ant...
neibitloef: 'Model' Calliteara pudibunda...
neibitloef: 'Model' Beetle
neibitloef: Blackbird women....
neibitloef: Woodlouse portrait . . . .
neibitloef: Long legs . . . .
neibitloef: Long legs . . . . (2)
neibitloef: 'Come in, please . . . !'
neibitloef: Two together . . . . (2)
neibitloef: Two together . . . . (3)
neibitloef: Two together . . . . (4)
neibitloef: Two together . . . . (5)
neibitloef: Two 'together' . . . .
neibitloef: .....
neibitloef: ~LonesomeWanderer~
neibitloef: 'Hey, what's up.....?'
neibitloef: Walking around . . . .
neibitloef: 'Hello....!'
neibitloef: Bon Appetit . . .
neibitloef: First ladybug of the year . . . . (1)
neibitloef: Two together...
neibitloef: Mr. Blackbird . . . .
neibitloef: Vis a vis . . . .
neibitloef: 'Portrait' Punktierte Zartschrecke - Leptophyes punctatissima (Larva)
neibitloef: Echte Käferzikade - Issus coleoptratus - nymphe
neibitloef: Spiderportrait... (1) (Pholcus phalangioides)
neibitloef: Portrait Rocky....
neibitloef: Gewöhnliche Strauchschrecke - Nymphe