VK3Photographix: Brothers
VK3Photographix: Something something summer.
VK3Photographix: A kid at a window
VK3Photographix: The Prodigy
VK3Photographix: The Prodigy
VK3Photographix: The Atomic Punks
VK3Photographix: 52.1 | 200: Logan. Dead Set on Living
VK3Photographix: Congratulations on your 366 and Happy Birthday Mr. Chris. Don't get too excited. My Dad gave me a king size Snickers for doing this.
VK3Photographix: Logan: The Walker
VK3Photographix: Generic photo of two kids floating down an alley at the Russell Industrial Center.
VK3Photographix: Logan: Yeah, its obvious who he takes after
VK3Photographix: Logan super slow motion dancing to Everlong covered by the neighborhood kids
VK3Photographix: Atomic Punks
VK3Photographix: Logan in his element
VK3Photographix: Welcomed Riot
VK3Photographix: Their 1st taste of ocean water V1
VK3Photographix: Kure Beach
VK3Photographix: Look into the world outside
VK3Photographix: Logan: His rules
VK3Photographix: What shall we say is sacred? What will be abused? It's no wonder the world is confused.
VK3Photographix: Logan is gonna be a good driver
VK3Photographix: Photo of young lad holding a rock, contemplating where to throw it.