harrycobra: Destro's castle...1
harrycobra: Front gate...2
harrycobra: Neo Viper guard...3
harrycobra: The lord of the castle himself....4
harrycobra: The guests...overhead shot 5
harrycobra: The guests...back 5
harrycobra: The guests...side shot 5
harrycobra: Iron Grenadier guard...6
harrycobra: The meeting, shot 2...7
harrycobra: The meeting, shot 1...7
harrycobra: The rejection...8
harrycobra: The angry one...9
harrycobra: The scientist...10
harrycobra: Communication...11
harrycobra: The tank...12
harrycobra: The cowboy...13
harrycobra: The cavalry...14
harrycobra: The laugh...15
harrycobra: The trap....16
harrycobra: The fallen...17
harrycobra: Duke?? I-i-i-is that y-you?? Duke? 18
harrycobra: The prisoners...19
harrycobra: The end? 20
harrycobra: epilogue....21
harrycobra: epilogue...22
harrycobra: We're in!! 2
harrycobra: We're in!! 1
harrycobra: The set up....
harrycobra: Entering destro's castle....3
harrycobra: Entering destro's castle....1