harrycobra: The booklet where it goes into
harrycobra: Cut and paste clothing in a bag
harrycobra: Why wasn't this house already sold? It's beautifull!...
harrycobra: Stuff 2
harrycobra: Stuff 1
harrycobra: Goofin' around during lunchtime..
harrycobra: The lonely sun worshipper....
harrycobra: Para-dude
harrycobra: King of the world!!!!
harrycobra: Brrrrrrrrrr.......
harrycobra: He's turning Japanese, I really think so...
harrycobra: The entrance and sortation area
harrycobra: The toy cage
harrycobra: catagories
harrycobra: The 'magic' dumbster
harrycobra: Storage and clothing sortation area
harrycobra: The Transportation.