harrycobra: Caveira
harrycobra: Dreadnok gangsta...
harrycobra: A face only a mother could love....
harrycobra: Flower power 2
harrycobra: Flower power 1
harrycobra: Take that, you darn parrot!!!
harrycobra: At the wrong place.....12
harrycobra: At the wrong place.....14
harrycobra: At the wrong place.....13
harrycobra: At the wrong place.....11
harrycobra: At the wrong place.....1o
harrycobra: At the wrong place.....9
harrycobra: At the wrong place.....3
harrycobra: At the wrong place.....1
harrycobra: At the wrong place.....4
harrycobra: At the wrong place.....2
harrycobra: At the wrong place.....8
harrycobra: At the wrong place.....7
harrycobra: At the wrong place.....6
harrycobra: At the wrong place.....5
harrycobra: Screenshot from the cartoon intro
harrycobra: Gi.Joe doesn't take web from Spidey
harrycobra: Cobra de Aco's new chrome
harrycobra: Waiting for the Iron Maiden concert...
harrycobra: Put me down!!!
harrycobra: Cobra de Aco head drying.
harrycobra: Fientje likes the new Joe's and keeps them warm for me ;D
harrycobra: These are the joys of flickr!!! :D
harrycobra: Cobra Do Gelo
harrycobra: Falcon