harrycobra: Shrunken head Action Man
harrycobra: Working table.
harrycobra: Baby Snake Eyes.
harrycobra: The gang of today.
harrycobra: Mugman.
harrycobra: Elephant in a box.
harrycobra: Tons of problems.
harrycobra: You name it.
harrycobra: Roared to loud.
harrycobra: Cyborg native.
harrycobra: Hells baby.
harrycobra: Luke?
harrycobra: Little Vader.
harrycobra: Typical Dutchman.
harrycobra: Prince Weird 1.
harrycobra: Prince Weird 2.
harrycobra: Prince Weird 3.
harrycobra: Punkbot.
harrycobra: Armor suit.
harrycobra: Soldier Woody and his evil teddybears.
harrycobra: First 3.
harrycobra: Mutants