doc_tor_matt: mosaic leaves
doc_tor_matt: hooping abstracted
doc_tor_matt: mosaic - bug
doc_tor_matt: self portrait: recursive mozaic with green border
doc_tor_matt: exploded image 1
doc_tor_matt: Jenni in the surf
doc_tor_matt: Jenni in the surf, II
doc_tor_matt: daisies in lines
doc_tor_matt: exploded image: view from Kerry Park
doc_tor_matt: exploded image: NYC subway platform
doc_tor_matt: exploded image: spider
doc_tor_matt: exploded image: cat head
doc_tor_matt: thresholded pigeon
doc_tor_matt: mozaic: extreme colors
doc_tor_matt: flood fill triple self-portraits
doc_tor_matt: sidewalk pumpkin processed
doc_tor_matt: rusty fire hydrant
doc_tor_matt: finger calluses
doc_tor_matt: sorted sunset
doc_tor_matt: flower on concrete
doc_tor_matt: rust on pole
doc_tor_matt: sorted dandelion
doc_tor_matt: carkeek sunset - recursive mozaic
doc_tor_matt: white flowers cut-up and sorted
doc_tor_matt: whiteFlower02 cut up and sorted
doc_tor_matt: orange flowers, sorted
doc_tor_matt: daisy, cut up and sorted
doc_tor_matt: ivy, sorted
doc_tor_matt: magenta flowers, sorted