klynae: Wedding Bound
klynae: Flower Girl
klynae: Cousins
klynae: Lauren and Ian
klynae: Ian, in character
klynae: Attendants
klynae: Anticipating the bride
klynae: Not sure what he's pointing at
klynae: Cheeky Ring Bearer
klynae: The Flower Girl did not crack a smile
klynae: Lauren's pretty hair
klynae: Cake
klynae: Wedding sign and Me
klynae: Zoe and Lauren
klynae: Cayley Kissing Ian
klynae: Ian and Zoe Twirl
klynae: Cayley Entertains
klynae: Cousins
klynae: Karolyn and Derica
klynae: Mother and Daughter
klynae: Erin and Dan
klynae: Bob and Karolyn
klynae: Kira, Max, and all the other couples married for more than 15 years
klynae: Lauren and Uncle Max
klynae: Mother and Daughter
klynae: Lauren, Glow Bracelet, Uncle Max, Daddy
klynae: Lauren, sad - Ian, happy
klynae: Little Sisters
klynae: Ian and Zoe Sashay
klynae: Bob and his Grandmother