Zilch^^: Sun setting at Santa Catalina Monastery - DSC_7133
Zilch^^: me and my mate - DSCN1036
Zilch^^: DSC_2440dxo
Zilch^^: DSC_2282
Zilch^^: DSC_5813dxo1
Zilch^^: DSC_5863dxo1
Zilch^^: 5million year old doorway - DSC_5887dxo1
Zilch^^: tall entranceway - DSC_6247dxo1
Zilch^^: me at Sacsayhuamán - DSC_6196dxo1
Zilch^^: DSC_6216dxo2
Zilch^^: a sleep while standing at attention - DSC_6352dxo2
Zilch^^: The 3 of us at the Salkantay Pass - DSC_6357dxo1
Zilch^^: norwegians can sleep while standing - DSC_6447dxo2
Zilch^^: DSC_6474dxo1
Zilch^^: me at Machu Picchu - DSC_6522dxo3
Zilch^^: DSC_6614dxo2
Zilch^^: On top of Huayna Picchu - DSC_6634dxo1
Zilch^^: DSC_6640dxo1
Zilch^^: yum! - DSC_6670
Zilch^^: me on Lake Titcaca in Peru - DSCN0654
Zilch^^: A happy American - DSC_6871dxo2
Zilch^^: me - DSCN2403
Zilch^^: me riding - DSCN2426cnx
Zilch^^: me in Quickstep kit - DSCN2437
Zilch^^: me at Mellow Johnny's for an early morning ride with Lance Armstrong (10/2) - DSCN2466dxo1
Zilch^^: Me at the end of the ride (37miles) - DSCN2487
Zilch^^: Mellow Johnny's Rest Stop Tour - DSCN2544
Zilch^^: Okay now I will have one - DSCN2552
Zilch^^: Thats my beer! - DSCN2551
Zilch^^: Having a few on the road - DSCN2533