Zilch^^: Full Moon - 2009 - DSC_3275dxo
Zilch^^: Cicada nymph molted skin - DSCN1244dxo
Zilch^^: Pimped out bus at SXSW 2009 in Austin, TX - DSCN2323
Zilch^^: Go!
Zilch^^: Typical Texas Summer Storm -DSCN2360
Zilch^^: Typical Texas Summer Storm with Lightning - DSCN2362
Zilch^^: Fire hydrant - DSCN2225
Zilch^^: solid or spoked? - DSC_4299dxo1
Zilch^^: Jan and his cousin
Zilch^^: Silver Sun - DSC_7791dxo1
Zilch^^: Apollo 11 launch video
Zilch^^: Apollo 11 Crew
Zilch^^: Apollo 11 take off
Zilch^^: Field Sandbur (grassbur) - DSC_7834dxo1
Zilch^^: The Veloway Map - Austin, TX (a dedicated cycling and inline skating path)
Zilch^^: Texas Rat Snake crossing bicycle path he looks to be 5 or 6 feet (the Veloway, Austin, TX))
Zilch^^: Texas Rat Snake at the Veloway
Zilch^^: Texas Brown Tarantula at the Veloway
Zilch^^: Texas Brown Tarantula and my foot at the Veloway in Austin, TX
Zilch^^: Tarantula Video at the Veloway in Austin, TX
Zilch^^: 695E4-prowler
Zilch^^: Cool Acorn
Zilch^^: Mouse in my office
Zilch^^: Zoom Mouse
Zilch^^: halloween 2009
Zilch^^: halloween 2009
Zilch^^: "white trash" halloween 2009
Zilch^^: Bella I - DSC_8173
Zilch^^: Bella II - DSC_8174
Zilch^^: Bella III - DSC_8176