GVG Imaging: DSC_7093c x1200
GVG Imaging: DSC_7094c x1200
GVG Imaging: DSC_7114c x1200
GVG Imaging: dragonfly in the Gambia
GVG Imaging: dragonfly - Portia Widow (Palpopleura portia).
GVG Imaging: blue bodied dragonfly - Portia Widow (Palpopleura portia)
GVG Imaging: dragonfly in The Gambia - Portia Widow (Palpopleura portia)
GVG Imaging: dragonfly outside bungalow = Portia Widow (Palpopleura portia)
GVG Imaging: DSC_7185c x1200
GVG Imaging: DSC_7191c x1200
GVG Imaging: portrait of a green monkey
GVG Imaging: green monkey portrait
GVG Imaging: checking the solar powered hot water tank
GVG Imaging: DSC_7263c x1200
GVG Imaging: Yellow-billed Stork (Mycteria ibis)
GVG Imaging: DSC_7267c x1200
GVG Imaging: A large white egret flies above the River Gambia
GVG Imaging: DSC_7288c x1200
GVG Imaging: a large white egret perched above the River Gambia
GVG Imaging: a pied kingfisher on the bank of the River Gambia
GVG Imaging: DSC_7316c x1200
GVG Imaging: a pied kingfisher
GVG Imaging: DSC_7326c x1200
GVG Imaging: approaching Lamin Lodge from the River Gambia
GVG Imaging: DSC_7337 x1200
GVG Imaging: DSC_7340 x1200
GVG Imaging: DSC_7343 x1200
GVG Imaging: Lamin Lodge resident - a green monkey
GVG Imaging: A large mask at Lamin Lodge
GVG Imaging: DSC_7369 x1200