iwikoz6: cliff path to the falls
iwikoz6: descending to the falls
iwikoz6: the descent - down the Grand Stairway
iwikoz6: The walk up the Grand Stairway - Wentworth Falls.
iwikoz6: Blue Mountains
iwikoz6: Wentworth Falls - the upper falls.
iwikoz6: Wentworth Falls
iwikoz6: Wentworth Falls - Lower waterfalls
iwikoz6: Wentworth Falls - Lower waterfalls.
iwikoz6: Leaving the lower Wentworth Falls.
iwikoz6: the lower waterfall - not as many did this descent, probably thanks to Slacks Stairs
iwikoz6: DSCF0445
iwikoz6: the climb back up - Slacks Stairs
iwikoz6: ladders to the second waterfall - Slacks Stairs
iwikoz6: DSCF0451
iwikoz6: Small part of the Grand Stairway, Wentworth Falls.
iwikoz6: Part of the Grand Stairway - Wentworth Falls.
iwikoz6: Cliffs at Wentworth Falls
iwikoz6: tourists resting from the 'wobbly legs' descent of all those steep stairs
iwikoz6: Scenic World Cable Car, going down
iwikoz6: Sightseers at Katoomba, Blue Mountains.
iwikoz6: Three Sisters (one of three) - Blue Mountains