iwikoz6: The coastline of Cairns, Queensland.
iwikoz6: A Marina at Cairns, Queensland.
iwikoz6: on approach for landing in Cairns.
iwikoz6: And here we are, about to land in Cairns.
iwikoz6: a three-hour wait in Cairns Airport.
iwikoz6: I went for a wander around the airport. This is the area that leads to the boarding gates. Deserted at this time of the morning.
iwikoz6: DSCF0471
iwikoz6: Our ride to Japan.
iwikoz6: the departure hallway at Cairns International Airport. Hectic!
iwikoz6: The waiting chairs - Cairns International.
iwikoz6: this had to be one of the longest hotel hallways I'd seen, and there was more in the other direction behind me.
iwikoz6: DSCF0539
iwikoz6: Daiso at Kansai International Airport.
iwikoz6: The cavernous Kansai International Airport
iwikoz6: Kansai International.
iwikoz6: DSCF0545
iwikoz6: From the walkway overbridge -Kansai International.
iwikoz6: On the way to the airport - Kansai International.
iwikoz6: Higashioaska, Osaka, Japan.
iwikoz6: Higashiosaka, Osaka, Japan.
iwikoz6: Small temple in Higashiosaka, Osaka.
iwikoz6: Higashiosaka, Osaka, Japan
iwikoz6: DSCF0638
iwikoz6: DSCF0639
iwikoz6: DSCF0640
iwikoz6: Higashiosaka, Osaka, Japan.
iwikoz6: Temple in Higashiosaka, Osaka, Japan.
iwikoz6: DSCF0652
iwikoz6: kettle
iwikoz6: Japanese doors with glass.