Ben's Lens: Serenading the Moon
Ben's Lens: Yummy yummy yummy in my tummy tummy tummy
Ben's Lens: Aerial Battle
Ben's Lens: Goose parting water
Ben's Lens: Rejoice
Ben's Lens: Egret taking off
Ben's Lens: Making the rounds
Ben's Lens: Urban Birds
Ben's Lens: Day 18, project365 - No Egrets
Ben's Lens: Pelican taking off
Ben's Lens: Shall we dance
Ben's Lens: Future Fly
Ben's Lens: Day 14, project365 - Testing the waters
Ben's Lens: Day 29, project365 - Natures Balancing Act
Ben's Lens: Lunch is served
Ben's Lens: Quest for lunch
Ben's Lens: Taking off
Ben's Lens: Seagull closeup
Ben's Lens: Hawk Soaring High
Ben's Lens: Splashdown
Ben's Lens: More Seagulls
Ben's Lens: King of the parking lot
Ben's Lens: Flying Free
Ben's Lens: Yellow Bird
Ben's Lens: Depart
Ben's Lens: Date wait
Ben's Lens: Sun setting on horizon
Ben's Lens: Jack London Square Artwork
Ben's Lens: Seagulls